
Integrity and Transparency at Real Hotels Group

At Real Hotels Group, we value integrity and transparency in all our operations. To ensure we maintain the highest ethical standards, we have implemented three fundamental pillars: the Whistleblowing Channel, the Anti-corruption Code of Conduct, and the Prevention Plan for the risks of corruption and related infractions. These elements are essential for promoting an ethical and safe working environment.

Whistleblowing Channel
We provide a whistleblowing channel, allowing employees and partners to anonymously report any suspicions of illicit practices, such as corruption. This channel is a vital tool for identifying and rectifying irregularities, reinforcing our commitment to ethics and transparency.

Code of Conduct
This is a comprehensive guide that defines the principles and behaviours expected of all members of the organisation. It addresses themes such as integrity, respect, and responsibility, and serves as a reference for ethical decision-making in daily activities. With this code, we ensure that everyone is aligned with the company’s values, promoting a strong and ethical organisational culture.

Corruption Risk Prevention Plan
We have implemented a corruption risk prevention plan consisting of rigorous policies and procedures to identify, assess, and mitigate the risks of corrupt practices. This plan includes audits and internal controls that protect our company against fraud and ensure compliance with anti-corruption legislation. In this way, we promote a safe and trustworthy corporate environment.

These initiatives demonstrate our unwavering commitment to ethics and integrity, creating a solid foundation for the trust of our employees, clients, and partners.