Jobs for Ukraine Real Hotels group

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Jobs for Ukraine

Published on:
May 24, 2022

AHP has been monitoring the serious situation in Ukraine and has launched, as the Associates know, the SOS Ukraine initiative, through which, and thanks to the generosity of the national hotel industry, we have delivered goods where they are most needed.

Because we want to help more and we know that employment is essential for all those who choose our country as a refuge, AHP launched the 1st AHP Job Fair: JOBS FOR UKRAINE, an event that will allow refugees from Ukraine, who are residing in the Lisbon region, have access to job opportunities.

This is an experimental event, launched within the scope of the HOPES Programme, so it will be limited in size and to the Lisbon region, in this first edition.

It will take place at the Hotel Real Palácio on the 1st of June 2022.

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